The image is of a restaurant restroom. Which restaurant? Doesn't matter. The picture is so typical it could represent dozens of restaurant restrooms in Louisville; thousands nationwide.
It's clear the folks here were thinking of access -- or at least the contractors putting the restroom in were thinking of it. The state building code's access requirements have things spelled out for restroom access.
Yup. Sure do.
"Reach ranges" are spelled out in the code. Nothing -- like towel dispensers, for example -- is supposed to be higher than 48 inches from the floor.
Somebody wasn't using a tape measure when they installed this towel dispenser.
But this restroom is far from unique. In fact, too-high towel dispensers are common in "accessible" restrooms. Why?
I can't figure that one out. Seems like such an easy thing.
Nobody cares? But why would whoever is putting together an accessible restroom WANT to put a towel dispenser so high? Don't they think? Don't they REALIZE that someone who has limited arm mobility would have a hard time reaching this thing?
Don't they think disabled people need to use towels in the restroom?
Don't they think?
Why not?
Too-common problems: towelbar height
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Filed in: building codes, general, photos, restroom access