The other day I was at Uncle Tubby's Pizza over in Jeffersonville (103 Quartermaster Ct., Jeffersonville). Tubby's is in the old Quartermaster facililty, which has been redone into a kind of mall. New stores in all of it. And all of it, it appears, accessible!
And there I saw an access feature I've longed to see -- but never have:
In the restroom, in the accessible stall, the coat hook inside the door was lowered. A woman in a wheelchair could actually hang her purse on it!
Sad that this has to be such an amazing sight.
Most of those stalls, even when they're roomy enough, even when the grab bars are installed correctly -- and even when the stall door actually locks, which is infrequent -- the stupid hook is way way too high to use if you're in a wheelchair.
And it's so very very simple to do correctly!
Kudos to whoever installed the restroom there.
The right hook
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Filed in: doors, Locales: Southern Indiana, restaurants, restroom access