I stopped in at a fish-sandwich place the other day for lunch and encountered a "fountain drinks" counter way too high to reach.
It's not the first time I've encountered one like this -- the other one I recall is also at a fish place, but they're everywhere.
The counter all the stuff sits on is simply too high. They've got that soft-drink dispenser unit, those big urns, the cups and the napkins, straws and stuff all up on a counter that's probably about 4 feet off the ground to start with.
What's the point? There are plenty of fountain drink stations in fast-food restaurants that are on counters much lower. So what could possibly be the thinking of those who install these high counters?
Well, there it is -- no thinking.
What it tells me is that, once again, nobody -- not contractors, not owners, certainly not building or restaurant inspectors -- pays the slightest bit of attention to the fact that these things are supposed to be at an ACCESSIBLE height.
"Oh, they'll always help you get your drink for you!"
That's the response to complaints, isn't it?
But it's not the right response. The right response would be to put the counter lower in the first place.
Fountain drinks from on high
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Filed in: building codes, general, photos, restaurants